Thursday, June 30, 2005

Avocadoes and Elphs

Ok I've been receiving a lot of mail and msn msg's that I haven't been updating my blog. I've also received mail by courier, express post, post cards from people asking me why haven't I updated my blog. And the other night, really late I could have sworn I saw an ad on tv that said...wait a minuted couldn't have been. Ok most of that isn't true...

Back to Peru. In this edition we'll see how I lost my second digital camera in so many years. It was a beautiful day in Ica, the city where my fathers family is from about 200km from Lima which means about 4-5 hours away. I was working in my uncles pizzaria when I found out that my friends boyfriend worked on a farm that exported avocados to europe. I thought that was pretty cool so I asked him if he could bring me one to try it out. The avocados in Peru are very different from the ones here in North America, much bigger and many different kinds, I think they are tastier too.

The following sunday he came back with a whole box of them, 12 massive avocados. Now I wasn't expecting one shy of a bakers dozen of avocadoes, but thats cool I can feast on them, maybe something to add to the pizza. So its the end of the night and I walk over to my other uncles store and put the avocadoes behind the counter trying not to forget to bring them home.

Since they are in this little box I say hmm I don't have to carry all this other stuff I'll just put them in the box, I put my digital camera (canon digital elph s400), case for my sunglasses (just the case!), and a bunch of other random things I was collecting like a squirrel. We get outside, box in hand, and get some taxis, I ofcourse forget something inside leave the box go in and grab it and then jump into a taxi... 20 minutes later I remember I forgot the box, go back to the scene of the crime and its not there. Well, the empty box was there somebody was kind enough to put it in the trash, but everything else was stolen, even the AVOCADOES.

Probably the dumbest thing I did in Peru, that plus forgetting my debit card in an ATM in Cuzco and making out with a llama after too many pisco sours...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:32 PM

Blogger Diego Matute said...

Blog comment spam?????

5:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever it is,* you can get it herenikon digital camera

4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep, spasm instead of comments. i get that shit too.. it's a new thing since adsense exist, they found another way of advertising for free. anyway, keep updating coz i'm still reading ur blog! cheers

10:37 PM


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