Got ID'd at Best Buy
I can't believe I have to blog about something like this, but this is getting out of control.
I get ID'd everywhere. Whenever I go with a group of friends to a bar, club, lounge, restaurant, disco whatever they ask for a piece of ID. I might go there everynight that week and buy shots for all the bouncers, same thing. When I get a ticket for a movie thats not PG-13 the guy I buy the tickets from, who probably can't see the movie himself asks me for ID, excuse me son lets see your id...
So its cool, I don't mind, not that big a deal whip out the Ontario ID and watch the people stumble to find the birthdate and check its authenticity. But this is too far.
I go to Best Buy the other day to buy the video game. This is already bad enough, but I wanted a game to test out the graphics card on my computer. I get this game a friend has, Fable by Microsoft, just a regular game about elves and dragons and whatever. I go to pay for the thing and the guy at the counter asks me for id to buy the game because it has some rating on it. At a Best Buy?? What there are underage kids trying to buy video games behinds their parents back??
And why am I always getting ID'd?? I think I'm gonna grow a beard.