Pi day
So today is Pi day. Well at least its Pi day in the math building at the University of Waterloo, I don't know where else in the world its Pi day. What is Pi day? So today is March 14, 3/14, oh there you go 3.14 that looks a lot like Pi so lets have a day called Pi day. This is put on by the math society that loves that number.
What do you do on Pi day? Well the math society buys all these pies and gives them away with ice cream. And they sell shirts that have Pi on it with 1,340 digits, I guess 314 wasn't enough and 3,140 was too much, too bad. How much are these shirts, 3*Pi, or you can buy a pin with the same thing for arctan Pi, isn't it great.
How is Pi day promoted? Send out random mathies to the campus and have them shout out "PI DAY" to random people walking around trying to avoid these mathie encounters.
Ok so I did get a free slice of pumpkin pie, so Pi day isn't that bad. But is it really necessary to celebrate the number Pi? I mean what about all the other numbers? What about e day? That would probably be waaaaaay better.
For more information on Pi check your calculator.
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